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Palm Pilot FAQ - Above & Beyond 2000
Palm Pilot synchronization ("Hot-Sync") support is offered in Above & Beyond 2000 and later versions. It works with any Palm OS compatible PDA. This FAQ covers only Above & Beyond 2000, click here for later versions. To Hot Sync with the Palm Pilot you need a Hot Sync cradle. Follow the instructions that come with the cradle to install the hardware and software. Hotsync.exe is an application that is part of the PalmPilot software from Palm. When you Hot Sync with Above & Beyond 2000, all appointments on the Palm Pilot will be erased and the schedules in Above & Beyond will be transferred to the Palm Pilot. This is known as a one-way sync. Two-way (full synchronization) is only available in Above & Beyond 2003 and later versions. Here's how to Hot Sync with Above & Beyond: Start Above & Beyond running, then start HotSync.exe. Be sure you have Hot Sync enabled in Above & Beyond with Options:Settings:Palm Pilot. Press the Hot Sync button on the Palm Pilot cradle. Keep in mind that (1) when you Hot Sync with Above & Beyond, any appointment changes you have made on the Palm Pilot will be replaced by the schedules in Above & Beyond. This is known as one-way syncing. (2) Transferring large amounts of data back and forth to the Palm Pilot is relatively slow. It's about 100 times slower than transferring to disk. So transferring more than 10-30 days of schedules is time consuming. You may find you want to set the number of days between 1 and 10, depending on how many items you have, and how long you want to wait for each Hot Sync. With a value of between 1 and 10 days, a Hot Sync takes just a few seconds. If you have a particular need for having a longer view on the Palm Pilot and can afford to have Hot Sync take several minutes however, you can set this to as many as 999 days (about 3 years). Use Options:Settings:Palm Pilot to change the number of days. It is initially set to Sync 30 days. Alarms on appointments are supported. |
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